
Support for  article submission fees

May 22, 2024 Revised
Academic Planning Committee

If you wish to publish the results of your NIFS collaborative research in a paper, you can request payment assistance from NIFS. The following rules apply for financial support : If you wish to receive financial assistance, please follow the steps below.

  • The maximum amount is 2,500 USD, and the rest will be covered by the author.
  • We cannot pay for reprints, proofreading, or color charges.

Payment Terms

(1) The fact that the research was conducted as a collaboration must be stated in the acknowledgments of the paper, along with the

    research code.

(2) Co-authors include NIFS researchers or students affiliated with NIFS.


How to make a request


      1. Email the application form and thesis manuscript to the library. After screening by the Academic Planning Committee, we will notify you whether or not we can provide support.

      2. Submit the invoice (along with the delivery note and quotation for domestic publishers) to the library. 
        ・Write the date and signature on the invoice (if there is a delivery note, write it on the delivery note rather than the invoice) and submit it to the library.
        ・Please enter “National Institute for Fusion Science” in the billing address field.

      3. Upload the accepted manuscript to NAIS (NIFS Article Information System).

        Download the application form



In accordance with NIFS' open access policy, the accepted or published version will be registered by library the staff in the institutional repository.

If authors wish to share costs with NIFS, they must issue separate invoices and amounts. For papers that are paid in foreign currency, the library will calculate the amount, so please contact us.


Contact information

Academic Information Section (Library) 

TEL : 0572-58-2047

e-mail : tosho★nifs.ac.jp (★ is replaced with @)